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"Aromandise Calebasse / krukka & rör 230ml fyrir Mate " hefur verið sett í körfuna þína.

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Aromandise Calebasse / krukka & rör 230ml fyrir Mate

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  • Verð frá kr. 3.599.- / 2 vörur 5% afsl.  3 vörur 10% afsl. og þú blandar vörum að vild * 
  • Krukka og rör með síu fyrir ( Yerba ) Mate 
  • Calabash + bombilla with filter
  • 230 ml

 * Magnafsláttur af öllum Vivo Life vörum,  Aromandise Matcha, Yerba Mate og Steens Manuka hunangi .: 2stk. 5% afsl., 3stk. 10% afsl.  og þú blandar vörum að vild til að öðlast afslátt.

Directions for use 

Fill the calabash with mate 2/3. Pull mate to one side. Pour the hot water along the bombilla, keeping part of the mate dry (the emerged part). Repeat the operation after tasting until the taste is exhausted (i.e. 1 to 15 times!) 

Precautions for use 

Do not use as a cooking method. Do not microwave. Handle carefully and avoid shocks. Do not use it if cracked or partially damaged. To be cleaned at first use then regularly with a mild detergent and a non-abrasive sponge. Always rinse well with water after use then regularly with a mild detergent and a non-abrasive sponge. Always rinse well with water after use then dry with a clean cloth or until completely drained. Keep out of reach of children. 

More info

This double-walled stainless steel calabash maintains heat without burning your fingers. The special straw called bombilla has a filter. Its spoon shape makes it possible to form a cavity in the hydrated mate to suck up the infusion. 

Aromandise og Gott Líf sf / Yogi.is hafa nú tekið höndum saman um dreifingu vöru Aromandise á íslandi.   Lögð er áhersla á góða vöru og sanngjarnt vöruverð.